

O a k L a n d

Dear Viewers

Welcome to OakLand Furniture. We are Exporter of fine quality furniture , dealing with more than 100 local manufacturers. This furniture is chosen under strict quality control and than exported to various parts globally. All our wood work creations are carved on fine rose wood, in exotic and attractive fancy designs according to customer’s specification. Rose wood is our natural choice in woods as it is comparatively less influenced by climatically changing than any other kind. It has different shades in colors ranging from reddish to dark brown and makes elegant and exclusive furniture pieces for you to enjoy and preserve for generations.


Company Profile                 Picture Gallery                How To Order

Mubarik Sons Importer & Exporter

Address : T-1195 , Katra Masjid AnderSheher , Peshawar Pakistan

Tel: 92-91-219426  -  218333

E_mail: mubson@psh.paknet.com.pk

Web Page Developed  By Abdul Hameed Khan Wazir